Kira's Nursery
Kira and Colt Litter
4 Boys and 1 Girl Puppy: see pictures below!
Key Dates: Puppies Born1: November 12, 2018
Puppies Chosen: December, 22-24, 2018
First day puppies can go to their new homes: January 7, 2019
We ask $1250 for our Quality-raised pups. $1500 with delivery.
Jeff Cymbaluk - [email protected] - 417-770-2338
Judy Cymbaluk - [email protected] - 417-770-2315
Jeff Cymbaluk - [email protected] - 417-770-2338
Judy Cymbaluk - [email protected] - 417-770-2315
Deliveries Available To
St. Louis, MO
Kansas City, MO
Tulsa, OK
Joplin, MO
Air Shipping Available
Reservation List
Reserve list for the November Litter of Kira and National Champion Colt's Litter of English Cream European Golden Retriever puppies. We ask $1,250 for our Quality-raised, Champion Pups. $1,500 with delivery to the 48 states. Call for other shipping.
Male Puppies 1) Ken & Joyce B. adopted Lancelot
2) Alicia H. adopted Galahad 3) Amanda and Chris H. adopted Arthur 4) Charles & Kelsy S. adopted Percival |
Female Puppies 1) William & Jessica H. adopted Guinevere
Kira's Blog
Week 7 Day 7
This has been a really fun week for the puppies. The weather has been warm so they have been able to go outside for many hours at a time. They spent all of yesterday afternoon outside. This morning, they were desperate to get outside and continue their explorations and play. Of course, they found some mud and became mud puppies! It is so cute to see them rolling and romping outside. I am having difficulty posting video. It shows that they have uploaded but not queued--so I will redo this later today if the videos don't show up.
Adopted by Amanda and Chris H.
Arthur is active and loves to both play and explore. He enjoys being with us.
Weight:15 lbs 6 oz
Weight:15 lbs 6 oz
Adopted by Charles & Kelsy S.
Percival is our smallest boy. He is calm and relaxed. He enjoys being held and petted.
Weight:13 lbs 9 oz
Weight:13 lbs 9 oz
Adopted by Alicia H.
Galahad is active and loves to play. He enjoys exploring and is our largest puppy.
Weight:16 lbs 6 oz
Weight:16 lbs 6 oz
Adopted by Ken & Joyce B.
Lancelot is very relaxed and loves being with people. He is super friendly.
Weight: 14 lbs 14 oz
Weight: 14 lbs 14 oz
Adopted by William & Jessica H.
Guinevere loves being with us. She is calm, quiet, and very friendly.
Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz
Weight: 13 lbs 6 oz
Week 7 Day 2
This week the puppies have really ramped up group play. They love to jump, romp, play with the same toy. You can hear their little paws running around, jumping, wiggling. They are so fun to watch!
Arthur is a busy little guy! He has a lot of fun exploring the house and he loves to snuggle up in the corner.
Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz
Weight: 13 lbs 12 oz
Percival loves to play but he also loves to spend time with people! He likes to ask for attention and to sit and get loves.
Weight: 12 lb 3 oz
Weight: 12 lb 3 oz
Adopted by Alicia H.
Galahad just absolutely loves people and spending time with them. He wants to snuggle and spend time getting pets.
Weight: 14 lb 2 oz
Weight: 14 lb 2 oz
Adopted by Ken & Joyce B.
Lancelot continues to love getting attention. He would love to sit in your lap all day!
Weight: 13 lb 6 oz
Weight: 13 lb 6 oz
Adopted by William & Jessica H.
Guinivere loves to play with her brothers, but she also loves to spend time with people and get lots of loves!
Weight: 12 lbs 3 oz
Weight: 12 lbs 3 oz
Week 6 Day 2
Arthur is of energy today. He loves toys and playing with his litter mates.
Percival has started exploring. He is really trying to figure out the world around him. He's very inquisitive and wants to get into everything!
Adopted by Alicia H.
Galahad is sweet and cuddly today. He wants to spend most of his time on our laps.
Adopted by Ken & Joyce B.
Adopted by William & Jessica H.
Here are the personality test results from Week 5 Day 4. The puppies are fairly similar and differences very minor. The testing is consistent with other litters except they are more conditioned to being in awkward positions.
Personality Test |
5 Weeks 5 Days
Our first adoptions have taken place. It is always one of my favorite times when families come in and enjoy the puppies and their parents. This group continues to have fantastic personalities and you will see that they are very beautiful with rich, full coats. They are much more active (evident in the two videos right below) and love to play with me. They are beginning to show some of their personality in the videos. They are all sweet and love me, but some are more apt to sit on my lap while others want to play tug-of-war with me. Beautiful, fantastic puppies! Enjoy!
Arthur is a well rounded puppy that both enjoys being held and playing. He has the fluffiest fur of this group.
Weight: 10 lbs 7 oz
Weight: 10 lbs 7 oz
Galahad is our largest puppy. He is playful and enjoys romping with his siblings. His video is so cute. I think he was posing for us!
Weight: 10 lb 12 oz
Weight: 10 lb 12 oz
Adopted by Ken & Joyce B.
Lancelot loves to be with me. He is a total sweetheart. He also likes to play and can be independent at times too.
Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz
Percival has a well rounded personality. He enjoys playing and being held. He is very active and loves to play with his siblings.
Weight: 9 ob 4 oz
Weight: 9 ob 4 oz
Adopted by William & Jessica H.
Guinevere loves to play with me. My son says she is the most active puppy though she is the most relaxed in the videos. With me, she loves to crawl on my lap and play. She enjoys giving me kisses.
Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz
Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz
5 Weeks 3 Days
The puppies are really enjoying playing together now. We introduced their litter toys that will go home with them and they've had a lot of fun roughing them up! You will see them in the videos.
Arthur is a sweet puppy who enjoys exploring. Today he loved playing with his new toys.
Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
Galahad started getting tired at the end of his session. I couldn't resist adding a video of him relaxing on my son. He's a real cutie!
Weight: 10 lb 12 oz
Weight: 10 lb 12 oz
Lancelot was also getting tired by the end of his session. That little sleepy face says it all!
Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
Weight: 9 lbs 7 oz
Percival loved his bath time and played hard while he was drying. He was ready for his nap, and his personality definitely shows through in his second video! He clearly loved his teddy!
Weight: 8 ob 10 oz
Weight: 8 ob 10 oz
Guinevere was still full of energy for her session today, as you can see! She was thrilled about the new toys and had to try them all out!
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz
Weight: 8 lbs 13 oz
4 Weeks 5 Days
The puppies are continuing to grow and mature. They are much more active now and love to play. It has been fun to see how quickly they fell in love with me when I started their second round of training. Kira continues to love being with her puppies. You will see that they have become very beautiful this week and they are obviously very smart too.
Arthur loved bath time and melted in my arms. He loves being held and thrives on love.
Weight: 8 lb 7 oz
Weight: 8 lb 7 oz
Galahad loves to play tug of war with towels. He will play with Lancelot. He loved his after bath snuggles (in one of the pictures)
Weight: 8 lb 14 oz
Weight: 8 lb 14 oz
Lancelot loves to cuddle and be held. He is a sweet puppy but also has lots of spunk. He is very friendly and loves being with people.
Weight: 8 lb 0 oz
Weight: 8 lb 0 oz
Percival is active and likes to play. He likes to explore and is very content. He also enjoys being cuddled and loved on.
Weight: 7 lb 8 oz
Weight: 7 lb 8 oz
Guinevere is very relaxed and enjoys being held and loved. She loved her bath time and would have stayed there. She is a total sweetheart.
Weight: 7 lb 14 oz
Weight: 7 lb 14 oz
3 Weeks 5 Days
The puppies are walking around and exploring now. They have begun the second phase of our training where we prepare them for what they may encounter in their new homes. We do 6 specific actions with them: 1) pull their tales 2) rub their fur back and forth 3) pull their ears 4) hold their mouths shut for a couple of seconds 5) swab the inside of their mouths with my finger 6) gently pinch between their feet. After each event, I give them a pinch of yogurt as a treat. It is amazing to see what happens as a result of this. On the very first day that I did it, the puppies went from indifferent to my presence (mother was everything) to surrounding me. They love the training (and the treats) and that helps them to accept all of these actions.
I do not have individual comments yet, since they just received their names today. As a group, they are large, active, sweet and fun. They seem like they will have lots of personality (sometimes this is not true until week five). Enjoy the individual pictures!
Here is a fun story my wife told me about Kira: I had let her outside in the morning and put the timer on to let her in an hour later. My wife went outside to do chores. We have known that Kira is a good mother--she is incredibly intelligent in how she has been caring for her puppies. This time, Kira showed us that she is also very smart and knows how to tell us what she wants in a very polite manner. First, she came up to Judy and whisper talked to her to get her attention. Then, she did a couple circles, went 10 feet and laid down. After Judy talked with her, petted her, and played with her, she went 10 more feet and laid down. She kept doing this all of the way until she led Judy to the door that leads to her puppies--pausing to make sure Judy did not go in the wrong door. She gave Judy a big thank you when she let her in with her puppies! It was so sweet!
I do not have individual comments yet, since they just received their names today. As a group, they are large, active, sweet and fun. They seem like they will have lots of personality (sometimes this is not true until week five). Enjoy the individual pictures!
Here is a fun story my wife told me about Kira: I had let her outside in the morning and put the timer on to let her in an hour later. My wife went outside to do chores. We have known that Kira is a good mother--she is incredibly intelligent in how she has been caring for her puppies. This time, Kira showed us that she is also very smart and knows how to tell us what she wants in a very polite manner. First, she came up to Judy and whisper talked to her to get her attention. Then, she did a couple circles, went 10 feet and laid down. After Judy talked with her, petted her, and played with her, she went 10 more feet and laid down. She kept doing this all of the way until she led Judy to the door that leads to her puppies--pausing to make sure Judy did not go in the wrong door. She gave Judy a big thank you when she let her in with her puppies! It was so sweet!
Weight: 6 lb 3 oz
Weight: 6 lb 15 oz
Weight: 6 lb 2 oz
Weight: 5 lb 8 oz
Weight: 6 lb 0 oz
2 Week 4 Days
The puppies had their last round of neurological stimulation today--a couple of days longer than I normally do it because my schedule has been so crazy that I lost track of what day they were on. They are all growing really well and are large and active. They have begun to eat solid food and Kira is now spending over an hour away from them, several times a day. They all seem to be big and blocky with wavy coats--though it is a little early to know how full their coats will be. You will see from their pictures, that they are becoming really cute!
1 Week 2 Days
Kira continues to be fantastic as a mother. Her puppies are all growing and doing well and she is an incredibly attentive mother--which makes my job very easy. They have had their dew claws removed at day 4 and are getting their neurological stimulation. They seem to be an active group and are getting accustomed to being held in all of the odd positions. Kira watches patiently as I do all of this--it is really fantastic to see how much trust she has in me! Their faces and paws have changed from pink to black and as you will see in the pictures, they are beautiful.
Day 2
Kira is an amazing mother. She is nursing well and always is aware of where her puppies are. All six puppies are evenly sized and fairly large. She is really sweet and loves all the extra attention.
Day 1
Puppies are born! All six of them are doing absolutely great and so is Kira. They are a nice size and already nursing like craze and getting plump! Kira is a wonderful mother so far and had them cleaned and dry so quickly!